
台北市大安區和平東路3段77號 #77, Sec. 3, He-ping E. Rd., Daan Dist., Taipei
電話 Tel: 02-23771772
營業時間 Opening Hour: Mon.~Sat. 6pm-2am
洽談包場聚會, 請於營業時間電話聯絡, 或以臉書訊息及電子郵件聯繫
For private party organizers, please contact by phone in business hours, or using facebook message and email.


4/28 Sat. Arman Torus and Friends

Arman Torus songwriter meets musicians. Arman brings the song, and these fine fellows give it life. Some jammers are welcome to join.

Original songs ranging from funk to reggae to blues and things in between. 由詞曲創作人Arman Torus 帶來的歌曲, 讓樂手朋友一起賦予他生命. 原創的樂曲涵蓋了放克, 雷鬼到藍調或系列音樂...的合體! 歡迎大家一起來玩!!

Saxophone and harmonica: DC Rapier (from the band Bopomofo)
Trumpet: Nicolas Chenuet (international jazz musician)
Drums: Greg Russell (from the band High Tide/The Looking Glass/Skycruiser........)
Guitar: Nick Brown ( gigs with everyone everywhere)
Bass: Jim Lehman ( more solid than Arnold in his best days)
Guitar and Vocals: Arman Torus

Expect plenty of energy. These guys got skills. 除了對音樂的熱情, 樂手朋友們還將熱情焠鍊為演奏的技巧!
門票Cover Charge: NTD.200 includes one drink 含飲料一杯


4/21(Sat.) Urban Nomad closing party w/ Blind Acid Date and Under the Moon 城市遊牧影展閉幕趴

Blind Acid Date 迷幻的盲目約會:

Bob's dear friend Nathan Javens' new band and their first show.

Under the moon:
... 基本的四人組合樂團,曲風近於前衛搖滾,在一個個音樂段落中,營造出我們試圖建立的氛圍。並用流暢的旋律加上有時沈靜有時激昂的編曲方式,穿過人心的所有偽裝,與自己對話。
吉他手陳俊安,地下樂團的傳奇,從黑子,襪子,波西米亞,玩到濁水溪公社,趙一豪&double X, 放客兄弟,已經無法歸類他的吉他形態了,而每一種樂風卻被他輕而易舉的把玩在雙手之間。

Cover Charge NTD.300 with NTD.50 drinks discount.門票300附50元折價券



Remarkable accoustic guitar player from Sapporo Hokkaido.

忙了一星期, 星期五的晚上說完老闆的壞話, 一起讓來自Sapporo的吉他手用時而流暢, 時而激昂的樂音開始你快樂的周末吧!!

門票 Ticket NT200 with NT.50 discount for drinks 附50元折價券!!

樂手簡介 About Shohei Yamaki (Acoustic Guitar)

Born in Sapporo, Japan in 1989, Shohei grew up listening to the great rock and jazz guitar masters of the second half of the 20th century. Early on in his life, he became deeply enmeshed in the wealth of guitar tones and styles that emerged out of America and Europe and began studying the guitar as if it was his only calling. By the time he reached his twentieth birthday in 2010, he could emulate practically any guitar sound and style that existed in the world. In 2010, Shohei was the unanimous choice of the judges for the First Prize of the Sapporo International Jazz Festival. He competed with over 150 entrants and surprised everyone, including himself, by taking first place. In 2011, Shohei released a first album “ North Wind” and was invited by Toronto In...ternational Jazz Festival, Eden Mile Charity Live in Canada. At present, he is featured at music theatres around the country, and continue to actively compose and develop his new expression. When watching this remarkable musician play you begin to feel that his guitar is merely a natural extension of his body. He creates sounds evocative of such great guitarists as Eric Johnson and Michael Hedges with a bit of Chet Atkins and Leo Kottke thrown in for good measure. There is nothing he can’t do and no sound he can’t create. At such an early stage in his career, the musical world is in for a number of elegant surprises.

In 2012 on April, Shohei will launch his second Album ”NEXT SHOw TIME” In this second album,in addition to his fresh sound, it is expressed his different style such as HIP HOP and ROCK, including first his vocal. He try to express his new creation and possibility by his original new style music.