
台北市大安區和平東路3段77號 #77, Sec. 3, He-ping E. Rd., Daan Dist., Taipei
電話 Tel: 02-23771772
營業時間 Opening Hour: Mon.~Sat. 6pm-2am
洽談包場聚會, 請於營業時間電話聯絡, 或以臉書訊息及電子郵件聯繫
For private party organizers, please contact by phone in business hours, or using facebook message and email.


11/3 Sat. Mark Darvill LIve @ Bobwundaye

Hi everyone.
This Saturday I'm doing what it says above. Got some new songs and want people to hear them, so hope y'all can make it down!
馬克一向給人謙和有禮的感覺, 但他的音樂創作展現的是他敏感奔放的心靈, 這個星期六, 馬克要帶著他最新的創作, 用音樂跟你分享生活中共同的感受!

初到寶島來自法國的Francois, 帶著他的吉他及效果器, 用一種你沒聽過的音樂形式, 為一整個夜晚的音樂揭開序幕!
Start @9:30pm
Free Entry 免費入場


10/27 Sat. Nick Brown &Arman Torus Live @ Bobwundaye

Nick Brown will share many beautiful songs he has been hiding away and Arman Torus will also be sharing many less familiar songs as well as a cover or two. Justin Darcy will be sharing his beautiful trumpet playing and Austin Lin will be providing the rhythm.

Guitar/vocals- Arman Torus
Guitar/vocals- Nick Brown
Trumpet- Justin Darcy
Cajon/Drums- Austin Lin

Cover charge will be 200nt with 50nt drink discount

10/26 Friday Halloween 4 Adults-A Fancy Cocktail Party

When ghosts are flying around in town, you also want to put on your costume. No horror makeup and scary costume, you simply put on the beautiful evening gown to let your friends shocked by your beauty!!
城市裏群魔亂舞, 你也想來點不一樣的!! 不要恐怖的化妝及戲服! 穿上你美麗的晚宴服, 讓你的美麗驚豔全場!!
沒門票, 不比賽!
No cover charge, No competition, Only one beautiful Friday night!


10/20 Sat. Daniel Pearl Day World Music Day After Party and Jam @ Bobwundaye 丹尼爾日-愛與和平音樂日

丹尼.波爾(Daniel Pearl)是一名成就非凡的記者和樂手,也是位著名的樂評人。2002年任職華爾街日報時,不幸地為了採訪工作死於巴基斯坦恐怖份子手中。為了紀念丹尼.波爾短暫卻燦爛的一生,他的朋友在2002年發起「丹尼一日音樂節」,每年十月在世界各地舉辦,傳遞愛與和平、希望與寬容的理念。



今晚10pm在客家文化主題公園的表演結束後, 如果音樂吉美久還不夠, 歡迎來Bobwundaye和樂手朋友們一起Party!!


13th Oct.(Sat.) T-Bone & Yasu's Blastland

Time: 10pm - 12am
Door charge NT.200 with NT.50 drink discount.

Using variations of tempo and time signatures, as well as unique chord structures and rhythms, T-Bone and Yasu’s music creates interesting and original textures. Playing beyond a “guitar and a box”, they tackle large and complex arrangements.

-Their music was a little....I don't know..errr.. how to say... "off"- review from a recent show...

利用多變的節奏與時間變化特徵, 及獨特的和弦結構與韻律, T-Bone和Yasu兩人創造了音樂的趣味性及原創況味.藉由一把吉他和個鼓箱, 他們就把原屬大型樂團的音樂處理妥當!
更多訊息(或試聽一下!!)More info. about them:

October 13th's Featured Players are:
Terry Engel: Guitar, Vocals, Bass Pedals
Yasuhiro Toda: Percussion
Vicki Lin: Guitar, Keyboard


6th Oct. Sat. Soul to Soul- A night of Rock&Roll

"Soul to Soul" is Mike Mclaughlin-guitar and vocals, Brian Chou-bass, Douzi-drums, Shawn-keyboards.Their classic blues rock based set includes the music of Stevie Ray Vaughan, Jimi Hendrix, the Beatle's as well as their own original compositions. In the mid 90's Mike recorded and toured with legend "Kiss" drummer Peter Criss for several years before Moving to Taiwan in 2001. All the members of the band are veteran's of the Asian music scene playing and recording with such artist's as "Amei", "Jolin", "S.H....E", "Powerstation", "Chyi Chin" and many more. As Mike said, " the reason we formed this band was to have fun and to plat the kind of music we don't usually get a chance to play with Asian pop artist's."

愛聽搖滾樂的朋友有福了!! 無問題在光輝十月的第一份獻禮, 曾經與美國經典搖滾KISS樂團巡迴的Mike, 在與知名流行樂手合作之餘, 結合亞洲合作夥伴, 在無問題來個經典搖滾樂之夜!!

We have only 80 tickets, Come to Bobwundaye early that night!

Cover Charge NT.200 with NT.50 drink discount!
